Saturday, July 19, 2008

Random thoughts......

1. Why is it that days seem to drag by so slowly but a lifetime flies by so quickly?

2. Why are the foods that taste so good so bad for you?

3. Why can't people love unconditionally like animals do?

4. Why do people air their dirty little secrets on national TV?

5. Why is it so hard for some people to say "I'm sorry"?

6. Why am I so addicted to Frasier rerun's?

7. Why do I have champagne tastes with a beer budget?

8. Why do people drink so much that they puke then say they had a fun time?

9. Why haven't Dave & I had any arguements in over 14 years of being together?

10. Why am I spending time on this blog when it will probably never be read by anyone else other than myself?